These are Terms and Conditions of Amsterdam Offices. These terms are applicable to the service agreement you have signed (hereinafter “the Agreement”). This agreement replaces all previous agreements between Amsterdam Offices and the customer. Amendments to the agreement and these conditions can only be agreed in writing.


  1. Furnished office space including desking
    Amsterdam Offices make available fully furnished office space including desking as agreed in the contract. The agreement contains the location of the office and the division of the office space, this division can be adapted over time. There will be no additional costs incurred by Amsterdam Offices in this bill nor the customer will be able to make any claim for compensation or discount to the customer.

Package A
-50% discount on meeting room
-Postscan Service (10 items per month), then € 1.00 per item (no packages or parcels)
-Business reception address

Package B
– Flex workplace for 30 hours per month
– 2 hours use of meeting space
– 50% discount on extra hours of meeting space
– 020 number and call forwarding
– Mail Scan Service (20 items per month), then € 1.00 per item (no packages or parcels)
– Business reception address

Package C
– Flex workplace for unlimited number of hours per month
– 16 hours use of meeting space
– 75% discount on extra hours of meeting space
– 020 number with call forwarding
– Mail Scan Service (50 items per month), then € 1.00 per item (no packages or parcels)
– Business reception address

  1. Office Services
    Amsterdam Offices will provide the additional services during office hours from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays, available (access to the office space is available at 24/7 package C and rent private office). Specific arrangements can be made about the use of services outside office hours. All additional services, referred to as services will be delivered during office hours from 9:00 to 17:30. If Amsterdam Offices consider that a request is excessive for a particular service, Amsterdam Offices reserves the right to charge additional fees on top of the usual rates of Amsterdam Offices, based on the time of providing the service has brought along.
  2. High Speed Internet
    You are required to comply with the terms of copyright, contract or other terms as they appear on the screen or included in any material on the Internet or our network. You will refrain from copying, use or operation of such software or other material in any way, unless we have granted express permission. You must strictly adhere to the conditions of the consent that we give you. We make no concessions with regard to the security of our network (or the Internet) or any other information, which insert it. You should take all safety measures (such as encryption) that you deem necessary for your circumstances. We can not guarantee that a certain degree of availability is achieved in association with your use of the Services. You warrant to us here is that the delivery of our services to you, will not infringe rights of third parties. The above warranty replaces all other terms and conditions which expressly or implied by usage, custom, statute or otherwise, relating to the services and ways in which we fulfill our obligations and observe our rights including, but without prejudice to the total of above, as related to the definition, execution, quality, fitness or suitability for any particular purpose of the services. We do not warrant that the services are error-free.


  1. At the beginning
    When she commissioning the customer and Amsterdam Offices will together see the office. The customer agrees that finds the office in good condition.
  2. Use the flexible workplace
    The workplace should only be used for office purposes. It is prohibited to keep animals in the office. The customer will not offer to third parties the office or give in use. The name Amsterdam Offices may be used in any way by the customer, or be associated with the business of the customer.
  3. Your name and address
    It is not permissible (advertising) signs hanging on the door of the office or anywhere else visible outside or in the office. The Amsterdam Offices address may be used as correspondence and business address. When bills are not or insufficiently paid, Amsterdam Offices shall be end entitled to the use of address. Amsterdam Offices is allowed to send the post back or destroy them.
  4. Maintenance of the office’s
    The customer office space and device according to the inventory list will be maintained and ensure that the office of the said device is damaged or altered in any way. The customer is liable for all damage caused by the customer or by the person using the agreement of the client of this office (s) and the common area (s).
  5. Office furniture and equipment
    It’s prohibited to apply, IT or telecommunications equipment and connections, without the prior written consent of Amsterdam Offices in the other office furniture, office equipment, cables.
  6. Keys and security (only applies to package C)
    All keys are owned by Amsterdam Offices. It is prohibited to duplicate it or give it in use to third parties without prior consent of Amsterdam Offices. In case of loss or theft Amsterdam Offices should immediately be informed. Resulting costs will be borne by the customer. While using it, during and outside normal office hours, the customer is responsible for the orderly (off) closing the doors of the office space and the building.
  7. Legal rules
    The client will comply with all laws, regulations and decisions which are on her, or on her business apply. The customer may not act unlawfully. The customer must refrain from all use of it by others and Amsterdam Offices could impede, impair, nuisance or annoyance could cause or the result that insurance premiums go up, or loss or damage caused to Amsterdam Offices, the building owner or other interested parties.
  8. House rules
    The customer must abide by the Amsterdam Offices house rules that apply to the use of the office.
  9. Insurance
    The customer has its property, employees and any third parties who visit the customer to ensure and keep insured, during the agreement. Offices Amsterdam accepts no liability.


  1. Access to the property / office
    Offices Amsterdam always has access to the office. Unless there is force majeure (state of emergency), Amsterdam Offices will seek the customer in advance to notify when any visits, inspections, tests and repairs and other routine chores, cleaning or maintenance should be performed or when the office at possible will show prospective clients. Amsterdam Offices will maintain confidentiality at all times regarding the management of the customer and observe any safety precautions required by the customer.
  2. Initial contract
    If, for whatever reason, Amsterdam Offices is not able at the start of the contract agreed desking available to Amsterdam Offices is not liable nor Amsterdam Offices can be held liable. However, the customer have the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect without being liable for damages. If the customer does not end with immediate effect the contract, payment of the basic amount shall be suspended until the flexible workstations can be made available to the customer.
  3. Suspension of Services
    Offices Amsterdam is entitled, with prior notice, the agreed services (including access to the property) to suspend in case of force majeure, in which case payment of the basic amount will be suspended for the same period.


  1. The nature of the agreement
    Parties, explicitly speak the will and intention of the agreement, including these terms and conditions which form an integral part, a service agreement is focusing on the service nature of the agreement. The parties agree that disputes arising under this Agreement strictly in accordance with the intention of the parties as contained are interpreted and explained in this agreement and conditions. The client can never rely on eviction protection. It is not allowed the client (her) rights or obligations in connection with or arising out of this Agreement or completely still partially transfer to third parties or to use the office space (without prior approval from Amsterdam Offices) by a third party other than an affiliated enterprise customer. Amsterdam Offices is entitled at any time transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement to third parties.
  2. Period
    The agreement is valid for the period specified in the agreement. After the expiry of the period mentioned in the contract, the contract is continued for a subsequent period of the initial contract term unless either party terminates the agreement by notice in compliance with the cancellation formalities. The basic amount of any renewal in accordance with the market will be like to be announced by us at the time of renewen.
  3. End of agreement Offices Amsterdam – owner / manager’s
    The contract ends when the lease between Amsterdam Offices and the owner / manager ends without Amsterdam Offices in that case obliged to compensate the damage as a result to the client.
  4. Termination of agreement
    Either party may cancel the contract at the end of the period, contracts with a notice period of one month. Notice must be in writing. If the agreement is entered into for a period of three months, the notice period is three months. If the agreement is entered into for a period of one month notice period is one month.
  5. Immediate termination
    Amsterdam Offices may terminate the agreement with immediate effect, without notice (unless required by law), if the customer:
    • does not pay the prescribed intervals owed by him;
    • fails to perform any obligations under the agreement;
    • the use of, or the use by one of the employees of the client or third parties that use with the approval of, is not in accordance with normal use of the office space;
    • his profession or business in the office entirely or largely cease;
    • loses the free disposal of its assets or a part thereof;
    • if he is not a natural person, loses its legal personality, is dissolved or liquidated in fact;
    • is declared bankrupt;
    • offers a settlement outside bankruptcy or if goods are seized by the customer;
    • dies; Amsterdam Offices if the agreement on the basis of the above, immediately terminates the customer must nevertheless comply with the following terms and conditions:
    • payment of any additional services used;
    • Payment of the basic rate for the remaining term of the contract if no immediate denunciation had been made by Amsterdam Offices.
    • Reimbursement of all through Amsterdam Offices costs incurred and damages suffered.

Amsterdam Offices shall not be liable for any costs and losses and claims of third parties due to the immediate termination.

  1. If it is not available Should
    To provide whatever reason, Amsterdam Offices no longer be able to services and accommodation as agreed in the contract ends without the need for notice is required. In this case the customer is obliged to pay the basic amount and the amount of any additional services until the date that the agreement ends / ended. Amsterdam Offices will endeavor to do so, however, never obliged to find alternative office space.
  2. In order agreement
    • the customer with immediate effect should vacate the office and leave taking with them all that he and his people and the space in Amsterdam Offices available in its original condition except for normal wear and tear. We reserve the right to charge additional amounts for possible additional repairs that are required in addition to normal wear and tear. If the customer without authorization from Amsterdam Offices after termination of the agreement, in whatever form, unauthorized continued use of the office space:
    • The customer is liable for all damage suffered and losses from Amsterdam Offices;
    • keep the office and the departments subject to the contract and the customer is obliged to pay the service charge to Amsterdam Offices equal to twice (2) the normal cost.
  3. Employees
    If the customer during the term of the contract and after its termination workers Amsterdam Offices approached / hires will the customer to Amsterdam Offices and immediately payable recruitment fee payable amounting to six months’ salary of the employee. This includes staff working on an interim-OR detachering.
  4. Notice
    All notices and statements made by Amsterdam Offices or the client must be in writing.
  5. Secrecy
    Regarding the conditions and the contract parties must observe confidentiality. Neither party shall, without the prior consent of the other party notices do about the contents of this Agreement unless the law or authority requires. This obligation also applies after termination of the agreement.
  6. Indemnification
    The customer should Amsterdam Offices, its employees, related companies and agents harmless from all claims, claims, damages, losses and costs resulting from / through:
    • death or injury within the office space used by the customer;
    • third parties the customer until it has admitted, customer personnel and persons for which the customer is liable;
    • Offices Amsterdam fines imposed by acts or omissions of the customer;
    • damage to the person or property of the customer or third-party and third-party claims in this regard; The customer will be here to ensure sufficient.
  7. Damage and Liability
    Amsterdam Offices is not liable for damage caused to the person or property of the customer or third parties by the occurrence and effects of visible and invisible defects to the office space, the building or complex of which the office belongs, or caused by the occurrence and effects of weather, of stagnation in the accessibility of the office of stagnation in the supply of gas, water, electricity, heat, ventilation or air conditioning, of failure of plant and equipment, in-and outflow gases or liquids, fire, explosion and other incidents of disorder in the enjoyment of the use of office space and a failure or deficiencies in service delivery Amsterdam Offices except in cases of damage due to gross negligence or gross negligence of Amsterdam Offices regarding the state of the office or the building or complex of which the office belongs. Amsterdam Offices shall not be liable for loss of the customer or for damages resulting from the activities of other customers or obstacles in the use of office space caused by third parties. If for any reason whatsoever Amsterdam Offices can not offer its services, its liability is limited to refund a reasonable portion of the base amount. The customer is obliged to take timely measures to prevent and limit damage to the office. The customer is obliged Amsterdam Offices to immediately notify them if damage has occurred at / in the office or threatens to occur. Amsterdam Offices shall in no event be liable for any lost revenues, lost profits, loss of anticipated (cost) savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims or consequential damages. The customer is strongly advised to take out insurance for such losses, damages, costs or claims. Costs incurred in Amsterdam Offices caused by customer negligence will be charged to the customer. Amsterdam Offices can not be held liable, nor can costs be recovered for errors caused by employees of Amsterdam Offices.
  8. Data protection
    The Parties agree that Amsterdam Offices is entitled to process personal data of the customer, to provide to third parties and to pass, provided that this takes place exclusively: a) the implementation of this Agreement; b) for the preparation and Fraud c) to provide information about new or for customers useful products and services from Amsterdam Offices or other organizations that Amsterdam Offices deems interesting for the customer.


  1. Basic services
    The basic amount for the default services including VAT must be paid in advance on how to provide basic services for the following month within 7 days after the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed.
  2. Additional services and catering
    The price for additional services and catering will post each month will be billed at the rates published by Amsterdam Offices and must be paid within 7 days after the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed.
  3. Reservations
    All spare creations for work and / or meeting room must first be passed to Amsterdam Offices, which are based on availability.
  4. Deposit
    Before the client access is granted to the customer must pay a deposit. This deposit is 1 times the basic amount, as payment by direct debit is done, there is no deposit. If the customer any obligation under the agreement is not timely comply Amsterdam Offices authorized to speak to the deposit. First written request from Amsterdam Offices customer will supplement the deposit to the original amount. Amsterdam Offices, the customer owes no interest on the deposit. The deposit can be increased if:
    • outstanding payments exceed the amount of the deposit;
    • Do not repeatedly paid on time; The deposit or the remainder thereof will be refunded once the customer has paid for the termination of the agreement with Amsterdam Offices.
  5. Payment
    Whenever if not promptly at maturity paid an amount due under the agreement will forfeit the customer to Amsterdam Offices of right from the due date, a fine of 4% per month of the amount due with a minimum of € 125, – per calendar month . Disputes concerning the amount of the bill allow payment of the invoice unaffected. Amsterdam Offices are also entitled pursuant to this agreement by delivering to the customer services and support to suspend and the customer to deny the use of office space and common areas as well as access to the building if the customer fails at any time customer meet due claim. In the case of the suspension of the services is Amsterdam Offices in no event be liable for any lost revenues, lost profits, loss of anticipated (cost) savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims or consequential damages.
  6. Dutch law
    On the agreement and these terms and conditions and the house rules Dutch law. Disputes will be settled by the Dutch courts. The Dutch version of these conditions is the legally valid version.
  7. Costs
    In all cases where Amsterdam Offices summation does deliver a notice or writ to the customer, or in the case of proceedings against the customer in order to force it to comply with the agreement, the customer is liable for all resulting from here costs, both in and out of court.
  8. Final Clause
    If any part of the contract or these conditions is void or voidable, not affect the validity of the remainder of the agreement and these terms and conditions.
  9. Basic rate tax and VAT
    The VAT must be paid simultaneously with the basic amount. Amsterdam Offices and the client agree that Amsterdam Offices to the customer on the basic amount charged VAT. Referring to the approval of the Minister of Finance VB99 / 571 of March 24, 1999, declaring Amsterdam Offices and the customer expressly, by signing this contract that the customer will use the office for purposes for which complete or virtually complete (at least 90%) right to deduct VAT. The customer informs Amsterdam Offices and the competent tax inspector immediately by means of a registered letter if the customer for whatever reason, no longer deduct VAT before it takes effect and the aforementioned deduction changes below 90%. If (in retrospect) that the customer’s office has no further use for activities that give the customer right to deduct VAT at least 90% and the allowance tax-free, the customer is no longer obliged to Amsterdam Offices VAT to pay on the basic amount. But Amsterdam Offices will be entitled to increase that Amsterdam Offices fully compensated for the VAT (to include the investments and expenses) Amsterdam Offices must repay to the Treasury c.q. (no longer) can deduct the basic VAT excluded such. Amsterdam Offices will inform the customer as soon as possible about the level of this amount. Amsterdam Offices will cooperate if the customer wishes to have the statement of Amsterdam Offices by an independent chartered accountant. The costs are borne by the customer. Amsterdam Offices explicitly declares it in accordance with the provisions of Article 34a of the Sales Tax Act 1968 receives the service agreement in its administration
  10. Annual increase – Consumer Price Index (CPI)
    We will increase your base amount annually on January 1st following the start date of your contract with a percentage amount over the previous year, which is equivalent to the annual increase in the CPI index employees low (2006 = 100 ) as published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).